Monday, October 8, 2012

*QUICK THOUGHT* Borderlands.......Where the Fuck was I?

The past few months I have been reading on this game Borderlands 2 and I noticed that most of the people on the video game forum I venture to were getting super hyped about this game.  Now, this does not come to a surprise to me since most of the video game podcasts I listed to also praised the first game.  I still let this game fly under my radar despite all the praise I heard.  Maybe, it was the fact that I looked at the game like a general shooter so I overlooked this gem.

With the release of Borderlands 2, Playstation Network offered the first game for free in September and I finally gave it a shot.  Wow, where the fuck was I?  This game is probly one of the most fun games I have ever played, yet I can still see the flaws.  It is basically a shooter/RPG/Dungeon Crawler.  It really has a weak story that you could give a shit about, but it has thousands and thousands of different guns.  It is also violent which I like.  I also gives you the ability to customize you character with it's skill tree.

I played as a commando which drops a turret as his special ability.  I felt that was a good pick for someone that soloed that game like myself.  It also has online co-op which I didn't try because of the age of the game. I also did not want to play with people that were higher levels, and most importantly I didn't want people stealing my loot.

 The whole time I was playing though I came to this thought.  THIS GAME IS MADE FOR PEOPLE THAT PLAY NOTHING BUT CALL OF DUTY.  Its has a leveling system and challenges just like COD. I highly recommend it to anymore who love that game that may want to extend their horizons.  I am personally excited to play the second game down the road after I work on this backlog, but there are about another 6-8 games I want to add to my collection before the end of the year so it will be difficult.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

NFL Replacement Refs

NFL Replacement Refs

As I am writing this blog we are wrapping up week 4 in the NFL.  Before the season started there were some issues with the NFL referees and the League itself.  Basically, there was a disagreement between the ways that refs can be graded, retirement pension, and other bullshit I am sure.  So, the refs striked/ got locked out and the NFL brought in some back ups.

Now, looking at these dudes in uniform, they look like refs, but they are as unqualified as they come.  I remember seeing the bio of one of the refs and he was working as a banker before the NFL called him up.  I was laughing my ass off at that shit!  I was thinking "Fuck!  I'd quit my job to go ref the NFL.  That would being fucking sick."  Those lucky motherfuckers.

Now watching them actually try to ref was the best.  These dudes were as blind as bats.  I have never seem more holding ever.  They also cracked me up because on plays like pass interference, they would almost wait for the crowds reaction before a flag was thrown.  It was hilarious.  They let the play go by, crowd starts booing or whatever, and they are like "Oh, you want a flag, well here you go!  Now, shut the fuck up."  It was almost like as if they were the referees from the Buffalo Wild Wing commercials.

The reason I liked them was the fights.  NFL was fucking cool as shit the first 3 weeks especially when two teams that hate each other played.  Don't get me wrong fighting with full pads on is pointless, but it is still entertaining.  Especially, when you have a team like the Rams that are kinda scrappy in situations like this and the teams they play against cry about it later (*cough* *cough* RG3).  It was almost like we had hockey goons on the field.

Now everyone saw and heard about the Monday night game between Seattle and Green bay that ended it all.  Yeah GB was robbed but at least it benefited pretty much everyone in the league.  I mean there were something along the lines of 700,000 voice mails left at the office of the NFL that night into Tuesday morning.  People were fucking pissed.  I am sure that there were some Seahawk fans too leaving messages on how they love that shit to be fair though.

Come Thursday During the Baltimore/Cleveland game the regular refs were back.  NFL realized that they have billions of dollars and can afford to pay the motherfuckers and they should be paid.  Those guys can see shit that we can see.  I saw them call a hold on a dude who held for half a was ridiculous.  I also notice that players are still in "argue with the ref" mode too.  The real refs just look at them and say "get the fuck out of my face you big motherfucker.  Do I need to show you how to block properly?"  It's pretty funny to be honest.

Moral of story:  If you have money, especially BILLIONS, pay your employees.  Either way NFL was entertaining, unless you're a Packers fan.